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Foto: Sara Lovisa Lagman och Louise Sundberg
We have now opened the application for scholarships for 2019.
Last day to apply is February 15, 2019.
General information
The application for scholarships at Vadstena-Akademien for summer 2019 is now open. We offer several different scholarship opportunities. Below you can find which positions we are looking to fill and how to apply. More information on each position will be posted one month prior to deadline. You can also receive this information now through sending an email to us at apply@vadstena-akademien.org, we will also answer any questions you might have.
During summer of 2019 we will produce the opera "Orpheus" by Telemann.
Costume assistants
2 costume assistans: June 3 – Aug 11
4 costume assistans: June 3 - July 19
As a costume assistant 2019 you will help with producing the costumes for "Orpheus", all under guidance of our eminent mentor, the head of costume, Sanna Holmqvist. As we are closing in on premiere date some of the costume assistants will also be involved in fittings and such. Two costume assistants will stay to help with maintenance and assure that the costumes are functional throughout the performance period. As an applicant to costume assistant you are expected to have documented relevant experience from studies within the area or previous work experience.
Fill out the form below and send this together with your CV, cover letter and 2 relevant references to apply@vadstena-akademien.org
Wig and make-up assistants
2 wig and make up assistants: June 3 – Aug 11
As a wig and make-up assistant you will work closely with and under guidance of your mentor, our wig and make-up designer, Lotta Reinhold, to produce the wig and make-up for Orpheus. Some materials will be bought in ready to use and some will be produced by you and your team. During performances you will be responsible for overall maintenance and to help performers with their wig and make-up. As an applicant to this position you are expected to have documented relevant experience from studies within the area or previous work experience.
Fill out the form below and send this together with your CV, cover letter and 2 relevant references to apply@vadstena-akademien.org
Stage assistants
1 stage assistant: June 3 – Aug 11
1 stage assistant: June 3 – July 19
As a stage assistant you are responsible, together with your mentor, for developing and producing the stage set, props and other attributes needed, decor painting, assemble needed material, patination and other tasks necessary to produce the stage set for "Orpheus". Stage assistants are also performance responsible, hence in charge of safety, routines and overall maintenance during performances, under guidance of your mentor, the stage manager. and make-up. As an applicant to this position you are expected to have documented relevant experience from studies within the area or previous work experience.
Send your CV, cover letter and 2 relevant references to apply@vadstena-akademien.org
Light assistants
1 light assistant: June 3 – Aug 11
As a light assistant you work closely with your mentor, the light designer, during the rehearsal period to design and produce the light for "Orpheus". During performances you are also expected to run the light. As an applicant to this position you are expected to have documented relevant experience from studies within the area or previous work experience.
Send your CV, cover letter and 2 relevant references to apply@vadstena-akademien.org
Stage director assistants
1 stage director assistant: June 10 – Aug 11
As a stage director assistant you work closely with your mentor, the stage director Clara Svärd. Your tasks will vary and it is up to you together with the stage director to develop and create a fitting role for you. You will for example assist the stage director in day to day tasks, such as detailed schedule, follow and taking notes during repetitions, coordinating the different proficiencies involved in the production. In short, you will be the right hand to the stage director. The position offers an interesting mixture of practical and artistic questions, allowing you to get a close understanding for the work as a stage director. As an applicant to this position you are expected to have documented relevant experience from studies within the area or previous work experience.
Send your CV, cover letter and 2 relevant references to apply@vadstena-akademien.org
Orchestra: July 5 - Aug 7
Continuo: June 29 - Aug 7
As part of the orchestra you will work together with your mentor, the musical leader Andreas Edlund to perform the music in "Orpheus". Moreover you will take part in one or two additional concerts given in Vadstena, further information concerning this will be provided as we are getting closer to the summer. It is advantageous if you have experience or interest in barock music, however it is not necessary and we encourage everyone to apply. We are looking for the following:
a1 = 415 Hz
Viola da gamba
Double bass
Baroque harp
Fill out the form below and send this together with your CV, cover letter and 2 relevant references to apply@vadstena-akademien.org
Kammarmusik-Akademien, Chamber music, modern instruments
June 25- July 12
As part of the Chamber Music Academy you will develop your ensemble through working together with the professional ensemble The Vadstena Solists. This is the fourth year we host the Chamber Music Academy and it has been a great success and highly appreciated throughout the years. Your mentors, the Vadstena Solists have a background as alumni at Vadstena-Akademien. This year we are looking for:
Fill out the form below and send this together with your CV, cover letter and 2 relevant references to apply@vadstena-akademien.org
Production planner assistant
1 production planner assistant: June 3 - Aug 11
As a production planner assistant you will work closely with our production planner, Terese Lindström, to assist in every day tasks as well as in more overarching questions regarding our different productions. Together you will design your role to make it as relevant and developing for you and the production as possible. You will work with all different professions within the production to coordinate and facilitate. You are expected to have a great interest for the production planner role and the production process as a whole. It is important that you can take responsibility for your own task, that you are comfortable in taking initiatives and thrive in a dynamic and creative environment. It is advantageous if you have a driving license. As an applicant to this position you are expected to have documented relevant experience from studies within the area or previous work experience.
Send your CV, cover letter and 2 relevant references to apply@vadstena-akademien.org
Marketing assistant
1 marketing assistant: June 3 - Aug 11
As a marketing assistant you will work closely with your mentor, the marketing and communications manager to plan, produce and execute marketing strategies, material and sales initiatives. Among others you will help in producing marketing materials such as ads and posters, assist in the development of the program book, produce programs for concerts, update social media and webpage and much more. We expect you to have a great interest for marketing and communications, be comfortable in leading your own projects and taking initiatives for new ideas. It is advantageous if you have experience from working with InDesign, web publications, social media and are fluent in English and Swedish. Driver licens is also a merit. As an applicant to this position you are expected to have documented relevant experience from studies within the area or previous work experience.
Send your CV, cover letter and 2 relevant references to apply@vadstena-akademien.org
Project assistants / foyer
3 project assistants / foyers: June 24 - Aug 11
As a project assistant you will be an important part both in the productions, performances and for the costumer experience. You will work with the entire production team, but your mentor will be the sales and foyer manager. Your tasks will vary from day to day, including but not limited to: marketing activities, setting up and maintenance of the foyer, sales and customer service before, during and after performances and overall support. You should have an interest for service and being able to take your own initiatives and responsibility for tasks. It is a merit if you have a driving licens, have experience from café/sales and work good under pressure.
Send your CV, cover letter and 2 relevant references to apply@vadstena-akademien.org
Soup kitchen assistants
2 soup kitchen assistants: July 3 - Aug 11
A couple of weeks before premiere we open our soup kitchen where participants can gather for a common dinner together after repetition days. As a soup kitchen assistant you are responsible for cooking the food for these evenings. You will be responsible for setting and keeping a budget, decide on recipes, purchase and cook the food and care for overall maintenance of the kitchen and dinner area. Your mentor is the office manager. The dinners have become a time for gathering and fun and you will be a key in enabling this. It is a merit if you have a driving licens.
Send your CV, cover letter and 2 relevant references to apply@vadstena-akademien.org
In case you have any questions or need more information, please contact us at
apply@vadstena-akademien.org or at +4670 243 58 90.